Blessed Are The Risk Takers

No more sitting on the sidelines


I like quotes. I sometimes call them Quotables.

Blessed are the risk-takers is a quotable from Taneka Rubin’s book Winners Win. In chapter 5, she talks about taking risks, and that risks are mandatory for life winners.

There’s truth to her statement. Calculated for sure and sometimes uncalculated risks that propel the life-winner forward are acceptable.

If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. – Jim Rohn

And who wants to be ordinary? Not the life-winner who has a big vision. Don’t get me wrong; there’s nothing terrible about being normal if that’s what you want. But if you have big dreams, big ideas, and aspirations to do something great in this world, then ordinary is not enough for you.

No Fear

Taneka posted some pics of herself in different settings with young people on social media. She has a fantastic ability to influence the youth. It helps that she’s a professional basketball player overseas, using her natural, God-given ability to impact young people. These young people must know that they can grow up to do what they want to do if they take the appropriate actions.

Regret is the heritage of people who choose to live a fear-driven life - Taneka Rubin

Remember that. Where’s the accomplishment in letting fear stop you? There is none or very little. Watch this video from Taneka where she talks about this fear quote.

Out of Control

Here’s another quotable that got my blood pumping. It’s from the greatly respected poet and author, Dr. Maya Angelou.

You may not control all of the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. - Dr. Maya Angelou

What does that statement have to do with risk? For one, you cannot control everything that happens to you. Taking risks is no different. Sometimes we avoid taking action because we fear what’s to come. We don’t know how things will turn out, so we sit on the sidelines. While that’s safe, it’s not enough for a life-winner who knows the plan that God has for you. If His plans are to prosper you and give you an expected end, sitting on the sidelines don’t serve you well.

You may not be able to control all the events surrounding your risk, but that’s what makes it all so powerful. You take massive actions; you have an excellent chance for tremendous results. If things don’t turn out just the way you desire, you don’t have to be crushed by the results.

As Dr. Maya Angelou says, you can decide not to be reduced by the events and the results of those events. It’s not easy, but it does not mean the end of the world for you because something happens. Right?

You decide! You have that level of control over how the results will impact you. How will you handle those risky decisions? Be crushed if it doesn’t work out? No, count it as a lesson learned and keep pushing, keep trying, don’t give up.

Risky Decision

The Bible says, God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. If that’s true, then do not walk in fear. Walk in faith, get up and get moving. Take the risk. Take the chance on yourself. Take the opportunity that’s before you.

Sure, things may not work out the way you expect, but what if it does. What if your heart’s desire comes true? What if you take action, and it works. You can shout it from the mountain tops or be grateful and keep things moving.

Need Help Taking Action & Moving Forward?

Let’s say you’re not quite sure how to proceed. You see the opportunity, but you’re just not sure how to get moving. You’re willing and able but don’t have enough information, knowledge, or skills. I extend to you an opportunity to work with me. I help businesses get moving, but I also help individuals. Click this “Let’s Work Together” link, let me know where you’re stuck. We’ll go from there.


Yvette is a consultant and content writer who provides training, resources, and a community to help women build and grow their for-profit and nonprofit businesses. We can live life God’s way.

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